The Beginning

When I first started playing Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes circa May 2022, it was simply because I wanted to kill a couple of hours. So I decided to look up free mobile games on the Google Play Store to do just that.

I found myself still playing a few hours later simply because bonus energies are given every time you level up. And I told myself (and my family, who were starting to get curious that dad was unusually stuck to his phone) that I would stop for the day when there’s nothing more to do in the game.

A couple of weeks went by and, again, I said I was going to stop, like with most games, as soon as I reach ‘the end’. At that time, my very naïve assumption was that ‘the end’ simply meant reaching level 85.

The Magical Level 85

Oh, how wrong I was. Now when I see people proudly posting on Reddit that they’ve finally reached level 85 only to be told very rapidly by Redditors that level 85 is when the real game begins, I can’t help but chuckle as it reminds me of myself and I’m sure most other people equally deeply sucked into the game.

Here I am now, 18 months on (which serendipitously coincides with the game’s 8th anniversary), not only so clearly committed to it at least for some time to come, but even going to the extent of starting a blog for it!

The Road Ahead

I plan to share my progress, experiences, insights, strategies and gameplay to those who might gain some value from it and I hope you’ll find it useful. I know, for example, that some might still prefer reading some quick tips when they’re stuck with something rather than watching a 20-minute YouTube video.

What are your initial thoughts on yet another SWGOH resource? Is there something you’d like to gain from these pages that you’re not getting elsewhere? Feel free to engage through the comments below and I’ll do my best to deliver!


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