Tag: star wars
Ground War Assault Battle Tier 3
I’ve finally been able to 3-star this tier when my previous attempt only yielded 1 star in Tier 2. What changed? Well, this time around I had enough Zetas for Jolee Bindo’s That Looks Pretty Bad unique. This amazing zeta allows Jolee to revive all defeated Jedi allies at 80% Health and grant those allies…
My Journey Discarded Doctrine Having unlocked SLKR in April 2023, I decided to work on Executor, Jedi Knight Revan, General Skywalker and Jabba the Hut (the latter requiring Jedi Knight Luke Skywalker, which I didn’t have), all at the same time. I now have JKL and JKR, so the logical next step was for me…
Rise of the Empire Territory Battle (“ROTE TB”)
Given the level of difficulty of this relatively new Territory Battle, this interactive map by Skaar (Discord GS#1556) provides team recommendations for each phase to maximise the number of stars your guild will achieve through more effective planning and strategising. Please share your experience with using the interactive map and add to the comments if…
The Beginning
When I first started playing Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes circa May 2022, it was simply because I wanted to kill a couple of hours. So I decided to look up free mobile games on the Google Play Store to do just that. I found myself still playing a few hours later simply because bonus…